Mood: 80s nostalgia (and considering that I was born in '88...)
Song: You're the Best Around - Joe Esposito, and anything from the Flashdance soundtrack...
Film: Karate Kid (in love with Ralph Macchio)
Book: anything to do with journalism...or political theory...can't even remember the last time I read a novel!!
Quote: "Journalism is literature in a hurry."
Visto nas ruas de SP: "Sem caminhoneiro, o Brasil pára." (paráfrase do original, já que este faltava com gramática básica - isto é pra quem cansou de ouvir no cursinho sobre como o rodoviarismo fudeu o Brasil)
Having watched only four minor Oscar-nom movies (Dammit Chris! Where are you when I need you?), I managed to keep myself awake to witness fully the greatest bullshit-fest of the entertainment industry. And oh! what enjoyably un-PC bullshit it is indeed! (As we have decided today in Ethics class that we hate political correctness.) Verdict: finally making justice (though not necessarily deserving), giving in to the obvious for the most, but overall, one of the fairest awardings in recent years.
To crown my month-long cinematic drought (bloody uni!), I decided to really make a splash: an out-of-the-blue decision to finally go to the HSBC Belas Artes Noitão, having given up trying to convince any of you folks to join me in a 3-movie marathon in the wee-hours of the morning, with free breakfast to top it off. And for those of you who sustain the illusion that there are only a handful of freaks such as myself who would inflict a sleepless night for the love of the 7th Art, think again. I had to face a half-hour queue for tickets, and got stuck with the smallest projection room because all others were taken! Still, good to know I'm not alone...
As for big news, I have only one thing to say: "Oh! the woes of not having on-campus living quarters..."
For those of you who have been bugging me for news of life as a pucana...
Well, my part of the uni isn't so much on-campus as an alley next to campus. To most of you, spoilt by the First World standard of educational facilities with your fancy laptops and central heating, it might seem a little dodgy when you realize we are a 70-odd class stuck in a small room with tiny brazilian-style school desks, a botched up ceiling with potential holes here and there, and two fans to share between us all. Still, we make do.
As for classes, I have yet to figure out what most of them are actually about - but, then again, I was looking for more philosophy and less applied journalism (that's what interships are for!), so I guess I got the winning hand after all.
Six weeks in, and I have also found my "special place" on-campus (admit it, you all have one!). Granted, it's not exclusive...a favourite study-hangout really for most pucanos. Nevertheless, the cloister (Catholic school so, to be expected) is the perfect place for cloistering yourself up in your studies, sitting under an arch, not a care in the world. And it works! (which is made all the more special when talking about such a master procrastinator as yours truly)
This is where I'll be buggering off then as, despite being completely knackered, I still have a lot to catch up with...oh bother!
Ps. since I finally managed to complete this list in my head, I have to record it somewhere, so:
Top 5 guitarists:
Django Reinhardt
Jimi Hendrix
Jeff Buckley
Stanley Jordan
Frank Zappa
Pps. Interesting musings on our future...found in the most unlikely of places: O futuro é já, Marie Claire, ed. Jan/2007
Ppps. It's times like these when you get a serious case of nostalgia...I miss you guys soooo much!!!