Tuesday, 30 January 2007

La cinéphile est retournée!

Come on! Not that difficult to understand what that means...

Mood: relieved...

Song: Singing in the Rain - if you don't know where this is from you deserve a good spanking you blasphemer you!! Anyways, I've been caught in the rain so many times these past fews days it's only appropriate

Film: Gosford Park, must watch again! (one of those movies where you will always discover something new no matter how many times you watch it...)

Book: O último voo do flamingo - Mia Couto (é, assim mesmo sem o acento grave...portuga de Moçambique...)

Quote: "While my eyes go looking for flying saucers in the sky...", Caetano Veloso in London, London

Anyways, yup, finally have some free time, which means catching up on 4 months-worth of cinema, as well as all the Award-season movies that bloody producers make a point of releasing all at once...(we had one hell of a dry-spout mid-2006; why not realease some good movies then?!) Damn Hollywood! Granted, most of the movies I've watched so far were non-Hollywood, which is always a treat...go Mexico!

As for insightful rants, nothing interesting. Cursinho smothered my creativity, and it will take me a while to develop it back...*snif*

Only thing I have is this: "We've been kicking other peoples asses for so long I figured it's time we got ours kicked." (Elias in Platoon). Following on from the last time I quoted this, I just realized somthing: the best way to get rid of American intervention is to have them lose a civil war in the continent. They certainly won't be getting in the way of the Chinese or North Koreans for a while, they refused to help anybody else who asked (such as the Rwandans) after the fiasco that was the Somali intervention, hopefully they've learn't their lesson about messing with the Muslim world now...

All we latinoamericanos have to do now is give them a good excuse to get off our backs before Castro kicks the bucket. That is, I'm hoping here that there are enough of us who are anti-chavistas to keep Mr. "Delusions-of-Bolivar-grandeur" from causing any serious fuck-ups. Well, if not, chances are he'll fall on his face all by his onesies, so we won't have to worry anyway...

Zero elloquence, but as I've said, my levels of creativity are nil recently, so it'll make do for now...(on the other hand, I've suddenly developped an urge to "read" Vogue...must find a cure fast!)

On an extra note: bloody USP only realeases their resultson the 7th, meaning that until then I'll have paid two installments on PUC, with only a 65% guaratee of getting it back if I get in to public uni! Argh! *nails being bitten off*

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